Sunday, May 2, 2010

The 6 Characteristics of Highly Creative People

Michelle L. Casto Thomas Moore said, 'We are all poets and artists as we live our daily lives, whether or not we recognise our role and whether or not we believe it.' Human beings share an innate need to create. Even you! There is a continuum of creativity, ranging from being slightly creative to highly creative. The good news is that you can learn to be more creative by observing creative people and modeling yourself after them. Artists, writers, and creative types seem to have similar characteristics. Some of the personality traits listed below may seem eccentric, odd, even 'out there' - but that is where creativity lies - in the outreaches of our consciousness, in the depths of our souls. If you had the opportunity to speak to Picasso or Jane Austen, you would probably find out that they are ordinary people, much like you and I. The difference is that they have allowed more of their soul to come out and play and have freed themselves of convention and restriction. Creativity is essentially the art of discovery and an act of faith. When you create something--- a work of art, book, software program, dance routine, or role for a play, you discover parts of yourself that you never knew existed. Creative people have a strong need to express more of who you really are and often have to fight for that right. The character Isabelle in the movie, Fire and Ice, has a great outlook on what it means to be creative, she says, 'To create, sometimes you must rebel.'

1 - Unconventional

Creative people do not feel the need to conform to society's standards. They often swim against the current and flow with their own way of thinking and living. They have original ideas that literally turn the world upside down and right-side out. Take for example, Galileo who proved that the earth revolved around the sun (instead of the other way around), which was revolutionary in his time.

2 - Individualistic

Creative people want to find out what the truth is, and they have a strong need to decide for themselves what works and what does not. Often they are ahead of their time, and much of their work is appreciated/acknowledged after they are dead and gone. Many writers are famous for marching to the tune of their own drum, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote the book, Self-Reliance, and Robert Frost who penned, 'two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less-travelled.'

3 - Inventive

Creative people live in the world of ideas, and don't always have the best interpersonal skills. Because they are so highly intelligent, and live in the realm of possibility, they are constantly coming up with bright ideas. They also take notice of what is missing in the world and/or what could be improved. Take for instance, Thomas Edison, who invented hundreds of things in his time, his most famous invention being the light bulb. He saw that there was darkness and created light.

4 - Driven

Creative people cannot 'not do something'-they are almost compulsive until they can bring their internal vision into fruition. They have that 'fire in their belly'---a passion to contribute to the beauty and betterment of the world. Because of their high drive, they can produce a lot in a relative short amount of time. Michelangelo created an amazing amount of work, as a painter, sculptor, and inventor. One of his best known works is the immense ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

5 - Visionary

Creative people have a guiding vision in their head, heart, and soul that they are often called to bring to life. Who else but Michelangelo could look at a large piece of marble and 'chip away at everything that wasn't David?' According to him, 'I saw an angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.'One of his best-known works is the immense ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which took him three years to complete, where he often had to work upside down for hours at a time. If you ever have seen any of his work, you can easily see that it is a vision to behold.

6 - Intuitive

Creative people are very in touch with their inner selves. They pay attention to the signs, synchronicities, symbols around them, and make use of that information in their work. They often act as a channel, where ideas and inspiration come from a higher plane. They allow the work to guide them to where it needs to go. The work clearly originates in their soul, not from their ego. Talk about ideas coming from out of the blue, remember how Isaac Newton 'discovered' gravity? He was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head!

As you read this, do you find yourself relating to some of these traits? If so, it is time to start creating. Getting started can often be the hardest part, because we often limit our creativity by listening too closely to our negative inner voice. But so did all of these examples of creators. Even the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh struggled with that, but he created a remedy for that, he said, 'If you hear a voice within you saying, you are not a painter, then by all means, paint, and that voice will be silenced.' Robert Henri says, 'When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature.' Once you have created, you now have to put yourself out there for all to see. This is where your faith comes in to support you. Remember that if you are creating from your soul, it will not matter whether other people accept your work or not. You are simply doing what you are called to do as a human being, create.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Developing A Marketing Plan

Your checklist for any marketing plan. Follow this and it's a lot easier.
Well it has worked for me over the years.

Outline: In this give a table of contents with page numbers.

Executive Summary: Begin the plan with a one-page summary of circumstances and principal recommendations contained in the plan. The summary helps all grasp the main thrust of the plan. It also lets them to read further searching for information critical / relevant to his / her part in it.

Situational Analysis: This section describes where your company stands at this very moment. This includes background of past sales, major competitors and explanation for recent sales and profit results. This should also feature an independent forecast including opportunities, threats, company strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis competition.

Objective: Every company has one. It is just a matter of deciding where you want to be and when. If the purpose of your marketing plan is a new product launch, then the objective must read “10% market share within 12 months of launch” If the purpose however is to boost revenue from an existing product then the objective should be “increase revenue 12% over 6 months while maintaining current profit margins.”

Strategies: This is what needs to be done to achieve the objective. The strategy is the route that needs to be taken. E.g. if revenue rise is the objective then the following is relevant: increase average unit price * increase overall sales * sell more higher priced units * any of the above.

Tactics: Strategies give a broad framework. Tactics are action specific. E.g. “Increase awareness amongst potential customers” is a strategy. “Develop a brochure to send to new prospects” is a tactic. Tactics have a price. Add up all that you plan to use and that is your budget.

Thanks Lifestyle Store, Mumbai

Campaign for Godrej

Daily Chant - A postive way

Try one of them every day and see how life can really alter for you.
Chant it throughout the day whenever you have the time and

Just for today.... "I shall not worry"

Just for today, " I shall not anger"

just for today, " I shall respect my teachers and all elders"

just for today" I shall work honestly"

Just for today, " I shall be in the attitude of gratitude"

The Basics of Chakra consciousness.

To heal oneself, place your palms on those chakras and request Reiki to flow and energise each Chakra. A minimum of 3 minutes placement on each chakra is good enough. The picture shows where each chakra exists on the ethereal body see pic for reference). Exactly behind each chakra, is the various glands, that are present in the physical body. When you energise and intend Reiki on those chakras, then the respective glands get energised and when glands get vitalised, then you have a perfect body, a perfect health. Chakra Dhyana is all about meditating on those chakras, which exists on the etheric field of the human body and once you chant the respective sound for each chakra, you not only vitalise the chakra, you also acknowledge those body organs of yours. You start from your first Chakra, the bottom chakra, callled the Root Chakra or also called "Mooladhara". From bottom, you proceed up, and as you proceed up, you chant the respective sound,..Laam, Vaam, Raam, Yaam, Haam, aah-Om...and lastly OHM... The attachment is self-explanatory. Just concentrate and grasp and one can understand everything.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Campaign for a cosmetic & skin clinic

Campaign for New Woman Magazine

New Woman magazine ads.

We were fed up with this client.
Coz they kept changing the brief.
and not giving us direction.
I told sandy let's go for the
"safe route". Do a collage of women
in different situations.
And lo behold! the client loved the ad.
We enjoyed the shoot and the ad
was released.

A good campaign with a stupid brief

An overnight job with my art director
sandy and now a good friend.
The client loved the ads.
But as usual didnt want to go for a shoot.
And i refused to compromise.
I love the look and feelof this ad.
Lying in cold storage now. :(

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thank God it's Mondy's- Still my fav pub

When the need is to rise to a higher-level. When you want to escape…. from a world where you feel lost suddenly…from a meaningless existence… …from a complicated journey called life…
Then there’s one place you should head for. Café Mondegar. Or Mondys, as it’s colloquially called. The drawings of famed Indian cartoonist Mario Miranda adorn the wall and have for ages attracted attention and also provided inspiration for many an opening line. Mondys is the place the world escapes to on a hot summer day, cool winter nights and everyday in between.
Conveniently located in the busy Colaba area, Mondys attracts the young urban working professional. A smattering of tourists and other miscellaneous foreigners also frequent Mondys rather regularly. But by large it’s the Indians that are the staple. Mondys colorful history is as much an attraction as is its laid-back ambience and its certain magical atmosphere. This has by far been the allure that brings people back to Mondys time and again.
So what’s on the menu? Anything you could ever want. And then some more. Chinese, Indian, Continental… take your pick. You’ll find it here. But coming highly recommended is the Beef Chili Fry, and the Chicken Steak. Wash it all down with a chilled glass of Kingfisher… and what more could any human being ask for.
Did I hear someone say music? Take your pick. The Boss. The Doors. Alainis. Zeppelin. Floyd. They’re all belting out the hits from the jukebox located in one corner of this small little world. As the patrons sip their Kingfisher and sink into the old time Irani furniture you can virtually feel yourself insulated from the world and comfortably ensconced in the ambience that is unmistakably Mondys.
With commercialization catching on, Mondy beer mugs are available for sale and can be found hanging from the ceiling. You can take alongwith you the Mondys frame of mind by also buying a t-shirt. For ages this eternal watering hole has been the favored pit stop of the growing generation. No visit to Colaba is complete without a dekko at this inimitable place. Its old world charm, the quaint Irani furniture and the studied demeanor of the waiters all go towards making this place the land that time forgot.

my ads with my art director, raghu

She is India

She is India.
She bewitches you with her charm.
She seduces you with her diversity.
She is a pleasure to know.
She is a mystery to unveil.
She is intense in her ways.
She has a heart of gold
She smiles when she cries.
She cries when she is in pain.
She is the epitome of feminity.
She welcomes you at all odds.
She cradles you when life is not good.
She with you when things go great.
She embraces you with her soul.
She is India
She is ….
Soul and spirit.
Mystery and enigma.
Beauty and splendour.
Art and aesthetics.
Culture and heritage.
Tastes and flavours.
Dreams and fantasy.
Ideas and creativity.
Moods and feelings.
Image and vision.

She is a colourful canvas.
She is India. …
It is here that life is viewed in its purest original form.
Translating into colourful expressions and myriad flavours.

One country. 28 states and 7 union territories. And each one of them is an independent entity. Almost like a country within a country. Coz each state has a different language . A different lifestyle. Different attires. Different food. Different festivals. Different religious beliefs. What’s applicable in one state is not applicable in the other. Visiting India is almost like visiting 28 countries. Sometimes I feel surprised how we manage to live within such close proximity with absolute different people with different mindsets. Yes this is the only country that truly defines Unity in diversity. Sure it has its ups and downs. But then which country doesn’t have. And sure it’s heavily populated yet there is space for one other. We find space in crowds. We find thoughts in crowds. We find friendship in crowds. We find peace in crowds. We know how to maneuver in crowds and yet manage our own space. Well India can’t be summed up in a few words. Yet even all the words in the world together won’t be able to define India.
I am back after a long slumber of 3 years